Nano & Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics & Renewable Energy (NGC2011) Symposium and Summer School (Tutorial Lectures) Moscow-Zelenograd, Russia, September 12-16, 2011 The conference organizers invite academic, industry and government researchers, students, engineers, entrepreneurs and business leaders to participate in NGC2011 Symposium and Summer School. The conference will take place from September 12 to 16, 2011 at Moscow State University and in Zelenograd, suburban city of Moscow, where several leading Russian education and research centers and production facilities related to the electronics are located. On-line registration is available at the conference web site: The conference topics include nanoelectronics, photonics, and renewable energy research and technology development. Our meeting includes Summer School (tutorial lectures), symposium and satellite workshops on nanotechnology instrumentation and nano metrology and standardization. All sessions are coherently linked to each other and to social events designated to create an exciting 'mixer' with unique networking environment. This international interdisciplinary meeting offers unique opportunities for exchange of expertise, learning and networking by bringing together renowned researchers, young talents, creative engineers, entrepreneurs and business leaders. The focal points of our meeting include emerging materials and novel devices, Science and technology challenges and solutions for information technology (electronics and photonics), and alternative (solar and bio) energy. While covering broad areas of research and technology development, from semiconductors to biomolecules, the meeting is bridging fundamental scientific research and development of advanced products and disruptive technologies. For further information, registration and abstract submission, please, visit our web site: We look forward to seeing you at 5th Nano & Giga Forum in Russia. NGC2011 Organizers